Wednesday 22 April 2015

story The Sea

Story no. 3
The Sea

تَسْكُنُ سَوْسَنُ في بَيتٍ  يُطِلُّ على البَحْرِ فَتُشَاهِدُ كٌلَّ يَوْمٍ السُّفُنَ في البَحْرِ بَعِيدًا عَنِ الشَّاِطئِ
taskuno sawsano fi baiten yutillu alal bahre fatushahidu kulla yawmenes sufuna fil bahre baaeedan aanish shatiee
Sawsan lives in a home that overlook the sea so he see the ships everyday far from the beach

Sentence Analysis:

تَسْكُنُ == taskunu == she lives (Present tense verb) 
سَوْسَنُ == sawsan = Sawsan (name of a girl)
في == fi == in (Preposition)
بَيتٍ  == baiten == a home == (indefinite, genitive coz preceded by a preposition)
يُطِلُّ == yutilu == he/it overlook (Present tense Verb)
على == ala == on (Preposition)
البَحْرِ == al-bahre == the sea (definite noun, genitive coz preceded by a preposition)
فَ == fa == so (connective particle)
تُشَاهِدُ == tushahidu == she looks (Present tense verb)
كٌلَّ == kulla == every 
يَوْمٍ == yawmen == day
السُّفُنَ == as-sufuna == the ships (Definite noun, Accusative coz it's object)
في  == fi == in (Preposition)
البَحْرِ == al-bahre == the sea (definite noun, genitive coz preceded by a preposition) 
بَعِيدًا == baaeedan == far 
عَنِ == aan == from (Preposition)
الشَّاِطئِ == ash-shatiee == the beach (definite noun,  genitive coz preceded by a preposition)

Further analysis:

1. السُّفُنَ
Singular: سَفِينَة == safina == ship
Plural:  سُّفُنَ == sufun == ships

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