Thursday 14 May 2015


Preposition Huruwf-ul-Jarr حُرُوف الجَرّ

من == min == from 
إلى == elaa == to
في == fee == in 
عَلى == 'alaa == on 
عَنْ == 'an == about
حَتَّى == hattaa == until
لِ == le == for
كَ == ka == like/as
وَ == wa == used for oath


1. The word that immediately follows the preposition becomes majruwr (takes kasrah).  

2. When  a preposition comes before a definite article (ال) of definte word , the alif (ا) sound is not pronouned.

مِنْ بَيْتٍ == min baiten ==  From a House
مِنْ البَيْتِ == minal baite == from the house

More Examples:

من == min == from 

1. I am from Pakistan. أنا من باكستان
2. He is from Qatar. هو من قطر
3. I learn from a book.  اتعلم من كتابِ

إلى == elaa == to

1. She went to school.  ذهبتْ إلى مدرسةِ 
2. I will go to hotel.  سوف أذهب إلى الفندقِ
3. This bus goes to university.  هذا الحافلة يذهبُ إلى الجامعة

في == fee == in 

1. We are in the sea.  نحن في البحر
2. The jug is in the kitchen.  الأبريق في المطبخِ
3. The child is in the car.  الطفل في السَّيارةِ

عَلى == 'alaa == on 

1. The book is on the table.  الكتاب على الطاولة
2. The picture is on the wall.  الصورة على الحائطِ

عَنْ == 'an == about

1. I asked about your family.  سألتُ عن عائلتك
2. Tell me about your friend.  اخبرني عن صديقك

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