Saturday 4 April 2015



اسم isam

All nouns are either : singular, dual or plural
All nouns are either: Masculine or feminine

Types of noun:

1. Common nouns

Common noun can be definit or indefininte.

Definite  (Ma'rifa) : Noun that have definte article ( ال ).
 الكتاب == al-kitabu == the book

Indefinite (nakirra) : Noun that doesn't have definte article 
كتاب == kitabu == a book

2. Proper nouns:
 A proper noun is the name of a specific person, thing or place. Proper noun can be names of people, countries, cities, places  e.g Habib, Pakistan , Kohat and Qatar etc
 احمد , باكستان
مصر, اسلام اباد

 The proper nouns  take the ending case similar to the ordinary nouns i.e., Double đammah when in nominative case, Double Fatħah when in accusative case and Double Kasrah when in genitive case.

Rational and Irrational Noun:

Rational noun: Which refer to human being, angels and devil.

Rational noun Example:
Singular: هُوَ رَجُلٌ == howa rajulun == he is a man
Plural: هُمْ رِجَالٌ == hum rijaalun == they are men

Irrational noun: Which refer to non human being. The plural of irrational noun is treated as feminine singluar.

Irrational Example:
Singular: هَذَا كَلْبٌ == haza kalbun == this is a dog
Plural: هَذِهِ كِلابٌ hazihi kilabun == those are dogs

The word كِلابٌ is irrational plural noun so it will be treated as feminine singular. So we use هَذِهِ  which is singular feminine demonstrative noun.

Adjective of Irrational plural noun:
The adjective of irrational plural noun will also be feminine singular.

Singular: هَذَا كَلْبٌ صَغيرٌ == haza kalbun saghirun == this a small dog
Plural:   هَذِهِ كِلابٌ صغيرةٌ == hazihi kilabun saghiratun == these are small dogs

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