Tuesday 17 March 2015

Passive Voice

Active Form  (maruf : مَعْرُوْفٌ)

A sentence in which the subject is known

Passive Form (majhul: مَجْهُوْلٌ)

A sentence in which subject is known.

Past Passive :


كَتَبَ == kataba = He wrote
كُتِبَ == kutiba == It was written

The passive form of the past tense is formed on the pattern of  فُعِلَ and فُعْلِلَ  i.e putting dammah on first letter and kasrah on second last letter.

Present Passive :


يَكْتُبُ == yaktubu = He writes
يَكْتَبُ == yaktabu == It is written
`The passive form of the present tense is formed on the pattern of يُفْعَلُ . i.e
Putting dammah on first letter and fatha on second last letter.

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