Sunday 29 March 2015

Imperative Tense

Imperative Tense

A tense that shows command and request

How imperative is formed from Present Tense:

 يُجَاهِدُ  will be changed to  جَاهِدْ (struggle hard)

1.  Changes:

(i) Pronominal prefix is omitted i.e ي
(ii) Final dammah is changed to sukon
(iii) After dropping pronominal prefix if the word start with sakin letter hamzahtul wasil is prefixed to the verb e.g يخْرُجُ ===> اُخْرُجْ
This hamza will take dammah if the second radical of the verb has dammah otherwise it takes kasrah . The second radical of  يخْرُجُ =  خْرُجُ + ي (here رُ) has dammah so hamzah will also take dammah.


1. Pronominal prefix is omitted i.e ي
2. Final dammah is changed to sukon
3. After dropping pronominal prefix if the word start with sakin letter hamzahtul wasil is prefixed to the verb.
4. This hamza will take dammah if the second radical of the verb has dammah otherwise it takes kasrah .

Other Forms:

Write (you singular male) = Uktub = اُكْتُبْ  Write (you singular female) = Uktubi = اُكْتُبِي  Write (you two male/female) = Uktuba = اُكْتُبَاWrite (you plural male) = Uktubu =  اُكْتُبُوا Write (you plural female) = Uktubna = اُكْتُبْنَ


English: 12:35 PM
Arabic: الساعة الثانية عشرة ونصف و خمسة
Franco: as-saa as-saaniya aashra wa nusf wa khamsa
Urdu: bara bj kr paintees minute

English: Three o'clock
Arabic: ساعة الثالثة   و  ربع
Franco: as-saa as-saalitha wa ruba
Urdu: Teen bj kr pandra minute

Nominal Sentence

Nominal sentence
الجُمْلَةُ الاسْمِيَّةُ

ِAl-jumla tul Ismiyya

A sentence that start with noun or pronoun. Nominal sentence has two parts mubtada (subject) and khabr (predicate). Mutaba is a person or thing that is being described and khabr is the description of the person or that thing. 

Saturday 28 March 2015

Inna and it's sisters

Inna and It’s Sisters
إنّ وأخواتها (inna wa-akhwātuha)

The word inna (إنَّ) is a form of emphasis (eg. “indeed” etc.) It’s used to emphasize or draw attention to something.
The house is clean. ==  .البَيْتُ نَظِيْفٌ == al-baitu nazifun
indeed, the house is clean. ==  .البَيْتَ نَظِيْفٌ انَّ== inna al-baita nazifun
The second sentence emphasizing on the house.

Effect of inna on a sentence: 

The house is clean. ==  .البَيْتُ نَظِيْفٌ == al-baitu nazifun
This is a simple nominal sentence. As we know that nominal sentence have two parts:  Subject (mubtada: مبتدا) and predicate (khabr: خبر). So البَيْتُ (al-baitu) is a subject and .  نَظِيْفٌ (nazifun) is the predicate.
After adding inna (انَّ) the subject(mubtada) is called ismu inna and the predicate (khabr) is called khabru inna. The ismu inna (mubtada) vowel case ending will change from nominative to accusative. e.g البَيْتُ (al-baitu)  will change to البَيْتَ (al-baita)
ismu inna = البَيْتَ (al-baita)
khabr inna = نَظِيْفٌ (nazifun)

The sisters of inna are follow the same rules:

لكنّ (lakinna) — but
لأنّ (li’anna) — because
كأنّ (ka’anna) — like (when you’re making a resemblance between two things)
أنَّ (anna) — similar to inna (indeed, verily, etc.)
لَعَلَّ (la’ala) — in the hope that / in the fear that (meaning depends on the context)

Vocative Particle

Vocative particle حَرْفُ النِّدَاءِ

Vocative particle is used to call someone e.g O boy, O girl, O Sidra etc

Example 1: 

O Ahmed
يا أحمَدُ
ya Ahmadu
Here Ahmadu took dammah.

Example 2:

O father of Ahmed
ya Aba Ahmed
Here Aba Ahmed is a possessive phrase, Aba (Father) is mudaf and Ahmed is mudaf ilaihi. So Aba took fatha.

Thursday 26 March 2015


nominative == مرفوع
accusative == منصوب
genitive == مجرور

noun is marfoo when it's subject (faail) , 
it's mostly masoob when it's object (mafool) ,

majroor when preceded by a preposition or when it's mudaf ilaihi


Dual of a noun can be constructed by adding انِ or يْنِ  depend on it's grammatical position in a sentence. 

Constructing masculine dual:

1. The last letter takes fatha.

2. If the noun is nominative , add  انِ to the last e.g 
الطَّالِبُ + انِ =====> الطَّالِبَانِ
3. If the noun is accusative or genitive  , add  يْنِ  to the last e.g 
الطَّالِبَ + يْنِ =====> الطَّالِبَيْنِ

Constructing feminine dual:

1. The last letter ta marbuta ة is changed into ت.
2. The last letter takes fatha.
3. If the noun is nominative , add  انِ to the last e.g 
الطَّالِبَةُ ==> الطَّالِبَتَ + انِ =====> الطَّالِبَتَانِ

3. If the noun is accusative or genitive  , add  يْنِ  to the last e.g 
الطَّالِبَةَ ==> الطَّالِبَتَ + يْنِ ======> الطَّالِبَتَيْنِ

Explanation in Urdu:

اردو میں :
اسم کا الْمُثَنَّى جملے میں اس کے گرائمر کے حالت کے مطابق اسم کے ساتہ  آنِ یا يْنِ  جمع كرنے سے بنايا جاتا هے.

مزکر مُثَنَّى بنانا:

۱. آخری لفظ فتحه لے گا. 
۲. اگر اسم مرفوع هے تو آخری لفظ کے ساتہ انِ جمع کرتے هیں. 
الطَّالِبُ + انِ =====> الطَّالِبَانِ
۳. اگر اسم منصوب یا مجرور هے تو آخری لفظ کے ساتہ يْنِ جمع کرتے هیں.
الطَّالِبَ + يْنِ =====> الطَّالِبَيْنِ

مونث مُثَنَّى بنانا:

۱.  آخری لفظ تاء مربوطہ (ة) ت میں تبدیل هوجائے گا.
۲.  آخری لفظ فتحه لے گا. 
۳. اگر اسم مرفوع هے تو آخری لفظ کے ساتہ انِ جمع کرتے هیں. 
الطَّالِبَةُ ==> الطَّالِبَتَ + انِ =====> الطَّالِبَتَانِ
۴. اگر اسم منصوب یا مجرور هے تو آخری لفظ کے ساتہ يْنِ جمع کرتے هیں.
الطَّالِبَةَ ==> الطَّالِبَتَ + يْنِ ======> الطَّالِبَتَيْنِ

Sound Plural

Constructing masculine sound Plural:

1. If there is tanween on last letter, it will be replaced with single vowel (double dammah ---> single dammah)
2. If the noun is nominative , add  ونِ to the end e.g 
مُدَرِّسٌ===> مُدَرِّسُ + ونَ =====> مُدَرِّسُونَ
3. If the noun is accusative or genitive  , add  ينَ  to the end e.g 
فَلاحِ ===> فَلاحِ + ينَ =====> فَلاحِينَ

Constructing feminine sound Plural:

1. The last letter ta marbuta ة is changed into ات.
مُعَلِّمَةٌ ==> مُعَلِّمَ + اتٌ ==> مُعَلِّمَاتٌ
مُهَنْدِسَةٍ ==> مُهَنْدِسَ + اتٍ ==> مُهَنْدِسَاتٍ


1. Masculine nominative 
Singular: The Teacher went out. خَرَجَ المُدَرِّسٌ
Plural: The Teachers went out. خَرَجَ المُدَرِّسُونَ

Here مُدَرِّسٌ is masculine and subject (فاعل) so it will be nominative because it's subject.
So to convert it to plural, we add waw nun (ونَ).
2. Masculine gentive
Singular: I asked from the teacher. سألتُ عن المُدَرِّسِ
Plural: I asked from the teachers. سألتُ عن المُدَرِّسِينَ

Here مُدَرِّس is masculine and genitive because it's followed by a preposition.
So to convert it to plural, we add ya nun (ينَ).
3. Feminine nominative
Singular: The student (female) ate lunch. أكلتْ الطالبةُ غداء
Plural: The students (female) ate lunch. أكلتْ الطالباتُ غداء

Here الطالبةُ is feminine and subject. So to convert it to plural, we replace taa marbuta (ة) with alif taa (ات).
4. Masculine Accusative
Single: I saw the teacher. رأيت المعلم 
Plural:  I saw the teachers. رأيت المعلمين
5. Masculine Nominative
Single:  The teacher cames.  جاء المعلم 
Plural: The teachers came.  جاء المعلمون
6. Feminine nominative
Single: The student went. ذهبت الطالبة 
Plural: The students went.  ذهبت الطالبات


Wednesday 25 March 2015


English: Grape
Arabic: عنب
Franco: aainab
Urdu: انگور (angor)

English: Fig
Arabic: تين
Franco: tin
Urdu: انجیر (injeer)

English: Banana
Arabic: موز
Franco: Mooz

Urdu: کیلا (kila)

English: Pomegranate
Arabic: رُمّان
Franco: Rumman

Urdu: انار (anar)

English: Watermelon
Arabic: بِطّيخ
Franco: battikh

Urdu: تربوز (tarboz)

Monday 23 March 2015


English: River
Arabic: نهر  (Plural: أنهار)
Franco: nahr (Plural: Anhaar)
Urdu: نهر (nahr)

English: Waterfall
Arabic: شلال (Plural: شلالات)
Franco: shallaal (Plural:  shallalaat)
Urdu: آبشار (abshar)

English: Moon
Arabic: قمر
Franco: qamar
Urdu: چاند (chand)

English: Star
Arabic: نجم (Plural: نجوم)
Franco: najm (Plural: nujoom)
Urdu: ستارہ (sitarh)

English: Tree
Arabic: شجرة (Plural: أشجار)
Franco: shajara (Plural: ashjar)
Urdu: درخت (drakht)

English: Leaf
Arabic: ورق (Plural: أوراق)
Franco: waraq (Plural: awraq)
Urdu: پته (patah)
Portuguese: folha
Sri lankan: sinhala-kolay
Turkish: yaprak
Germany: Bllat

English: Rainbow
Arabic: قوس قزح 
Franco: qoos quzah
Urdu: قوس قزح
Indonesia: Pelangi

English: Mountain
Arabic: جبل (Plural: جبال)
Franco: jabal (Plural: jibaal)
Urdu: پہاڑ (pharr)

English: Hill
Arabic: تلّ (Plural: تلال )
Franco: tall (Plural: tilaal)

Thursday 19 March 2015


English: Sky
Arabic: سَمَآء
Franco: samaa
Urdu: آسمان (asman)
English: Sun
Franco: shams
Urdu: سورج (suraj)
English: Cloud
Arabic:سحابة (plural :سُحب) Or غيمة (Plural: غيوم)
Franco: sahaba (plural: suhub) Or ghimah (plural: Ghoyom)
Urdu: بادل (badl)

Wednesday 18 March 2015


English: Cat
Arabic: قطة
Franco: qitta
Urdu: بلى (bili)

English: Crocodile
Arabic: تَمْسَاح
Franco: timsaah
Urdu: مگرمچھ (magr mach)

English: Bee 
Arabic: نحلة (Plural: نحل)
Franco: nahla (Plural: nahl)
Urdu: شہد کی مکھی (shihd ki makhi)

English: Spider 
Arabic: عنكبوت (Plural: عناكب) 
Franco: Aankabuut (Plural: Aanaakib)
Urdu: مکڑی (makrri)

English: Dog
Arabic: كلب (Plural:  كلاب)
Franco: kalb (Plural: kilaab)
Urdu: كتا (kutta)

English: Horse
Arabic: حصان (Plural: حصن)
Franco: Hisaan (Plural: Husun)
Urdu: گھوڑا (Gohrra) 

English: Cow
Arabic: بقرة (Plural: بقرات)
Franco: baqara (Plural: baqaraat)
Urdu: گائے (Gaye)

English: Sheep
Arabic: غنم (Plural: أغنام)
Franco: ghanam (Plural: aghnaam)

Urdu: بھیڑ (bherr)

English: Calf
Arabic: عجل (Plural: عجول)
Franco: aijl (Plural: aaujul)
Urdu: بچھڑا (bchrra)

English: Lion
Arabic: أسد
Franco: asad
Urdu: شیر (sher)

English: Frog
Arabic: ضفدع (Plural: ضفادع)
Franco: Difdiaa (Plural: Dafaadiaa)
Urdu: مینڈک (mendak)

English: Monkey
Arabic: قرد (Plural: قرود)
Franco: qird (Plural: qurood)
Urdu: بندر (bandr)

English: Elephant
Arabic: فيل (Plural: أفيال) 
Franco: feel (Plural: afyaal)

Urdu: ہاتھی (hathi)

English: Fish
Arabic: سمك
Franco: samak
Urdu: مچھلی (machli)



Past Tense Examples

Example 1.1

I met Hamid and asked him
لَقَيْتُ حامِداً وَسَأَلْتُهُ
 laqaytu Hamidan wa-saaltuhu

Setence Analysis:
لَقَيْتُ : laqaytu = I met (verb+subject)
حامِداً: hamidan = Hamid (object)
و : wa = and (harfi afat : حرف عطف)
 سَأَلْتُ : saaltu = asked (verb)
هُ : hu = him (possesive pronoun , here object)

harfi atuf : حرف عطف:-

a particle which connects two words, phrases or clauses together


English: Barber
Indonesian: Pangkas rambut

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Passive Voice

Active Form  (maruf : مَعْرُوْفٌ)

A sentence in which the subject is known

Passive Form (majhul: مَجْهُوْلٌ)

A sentence in which subject is known.

Past Passive :


كَتَبَ == kataba = He wrote
كُتِبَ == kutiba == It was written

The passive form of the past tense is formed on the pattern of  فُعِلَ and فُعْلِلَ  i.e putting dammah on first letter and kasrah on second last letter.

Present Passive :


يَكْتُبُ == yaktubu = He writes
يَكْتَبُ == yaktabu == It is written
`The passive form of the present tense is formed on the pattern of يُفْعَلُ . i.e
Putting dammah on first letter and fatha on second last letter.