Sunday 17 May 2015



Cardinal Numbers:

A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of something there are, such as one, two, three, four, five.
A Cardinal Number answers the question "How Many?"

Arabic Cardinal numbers:
Cardinal numbers in arabic are declinable.

Number  Masculine Feminine
1               وَاحِدٌ وَاحِدَةٌ
2           اِثْنَانِ اِثْنَتَانِ
3           ثَلاثٌ ثَلاثَةٌ
4           أَرْبَعٌ أَرْبَعَةٌ
5           خَمْسٌ خَمْسَةٌ
6            سِتٌّ سِتَّةٌ
7            سَبْعٌ سَبْعَةٌ
8            ثَمَانٌ ثَمَانِيَةٌ
9            تِسْعٌ تِسْعَةٌ
10           عَشْرٌ عَشَرَةٌ

Rules for one and two:

The number (al-'adad) follow the noun/madud (al-ma'dud).
The number is treated as adjective i.e follow noun in case ending, singular/plural, masculine/feminine


1. Masculine noun
One book
كِتَابٌ وَاحِدٌ

The number  وَاحِدٌ has followed the noun كِتَابٌ
The number is treated as adjective, it have :
same gender as noun (masculine)
same case ending (nominative/marfoo')
same number (singular)

2. Masculine noun
Two pens
كَتَابَانِ اِثْنَانِ

3. Feminine noun
One bus
حَافِلَةٌ وَاحِدةٌ

4. Feminine noun
حَافِلتَانِ اِثْنَتَانِ

Rules for 3-10

The numbers from 3-10 do not agree with noun/madud (noun being counted).
If the noun is masculine the number will be feminine
If the noun is feminie the number will be masculine
The number preced the noun. It makes idafa(possessive phrase) with the noun.
So the noun following the number will be genitive/majroor


1. Three
Three books
ثَلاثَةُ كُتُبٍ

Three bags
ثَلاَثُ مُدَرِّسَاتٌ

2. Four
Three books
أرْبَعَةُ كُتُبٍ

Three bags
أرْبَعُ مُدَرِّسَاتٌ

3. Ten
Ten books
عَشَرَةُ كُتُبٍ

Ten bags 
عَشَرُ مُدَرِّسَاتٌ

Saturday 16 May 2015


Pronouns are generally mabnee (they don't change case ending) except in dual form.

 Pronouns are of two types:
1. Attached Pronoun
2. Detached Pronoun

1. Detached Pronouns اَلضَّمَائِرُ الْمُنْفَصِلَةُ Addamaa'ir Al-Munfassilla: 
Detached pronouns are أَنَا, نَحْنُ, أَنْتَ, أَنْتُمَا, أَنْتُمْ, أَنْتِ, أَنْتُمَا, أَنْتُنَّ, هُوَ, هِيَ , هُمَا, هُمْ, هُنَّ.

1. He is barber.
هُوَ حَلاقٌ
2. They are doctors.
هُم أطباء
3. She is smart.
هي ذكية
4. You (plural) are students.
أنتم طلابٌ

Thursday 14 May 2015


Preposition Huruwf-ul-Jarr حُرُوف الجَرّ

من == min == from 
إلى == elaa == to
في == fee == in 
عَلى == 'alaa == on 
عَنْ == 'an == about
حَتَّى == hattaa == until
لِ == le == for
كَ == ka == like/as
وَ == wa == used for oath


1. The word that immediately follows the preposition becomes majruwr (takes kasrah).  

2. When  a preposition comes before a definite article (ال) of definte word , the alif (ا) sound is not pronouned.

مِنْ بَيْتٍ == min baiten ==  From a House
مِنْ البَيْتِ == minal baite == from the house

More Examples:

من == min == from 

1. I am from Pakistan. أنا من باكستان
2. He is from Qatar. هو من قطر
3. I learn from a book.  اتعلم من كتابِ

إلى == elaa == to

1. She went to school.  ذهبتْ إلى مدرسةِ 
2. I will go to hotel.  سوف أذهب إلى الفندقِ
3. This bus goes to university.  هذا الحافلة يذهبُ إلى الجامعة

في == fee == in 

1. We are in the sea.  نحن في البحر
2. The jug is in the kitchen.  الأبريق في المطبخِ
3. The child is in the car.  الطفل في السَّيارةِ

عَلى == 'alaa == on 

1. The book is on the table.  الكتاب على الطاولة
2. The picture is on the wall.  الصورة على الحائطِ

عَنْ == 'an == about

1. I asked about your family.  سألتُ عن عائلتك
2. Tell me about your friend.  اخبرني عن صديقك